Perth & Haymarket Station Off Indicators

At Perth Station, LNER faced accessibility issues on Platform 7, where they dispatched northbound trains. The width of the platform and the step from the train cause delays when disabled passengers board or alight. Platform 4 was an alternative but lacked visibility of the down departure signal P165, preventing safe dispatch. Installing an “OFF” indicator on Platform 4 now allows LNER to move northbound operations there, improving safety and reducing delays.

At Haymarket Station, LNER faced visibility issues on Platforms 1 and 3 due to platform curvature and obstructions that hindered viewing the departure signals; EH512 and EH510. This forced train managers to walk long distances, adding to dwell time and causing delays. New “OFF” indicators on these platforms now improve visibility, reduce dwell times, and maintain timetable adherence.

DigiSig Rail were instructed by Works Delivery Scotland to undertake the Engineering Stages 4 & 5 Signalling Designs required to allow the installation and testing of the new “OFF” indicators at both Perth and Haymarket.


Our Role


As part of the Engineering Stage 4, DigiSig Rail carried out base plan surveys of the affected areas to confirm positions of relevant signal positions, produced signalling scheme plans for both Perth & Haymarket and preparing the necessary designs, documents and assessments to minimise design risks and assure all Signalling Engineering activity. 

Following completion of the Engineering Stage 4 design and receipt of Approval in Principle (AIP) for the scheme, our team then undertook the Engineering Stage 5 works which consisted of Control Table design and associated wiring alterations required.

Engineering Stage 4

Correlation Waiver & Specification

Signalling Design Specification

Scheme Plan and Design Log for Perth and Haymarket Stations

Design Risk Assessment

Work Package Plan

Signal Sighting & Driveability Assessments

Engineering Stage 5

Signalling Design Specification

Design Risk Assessment

Location Area Plans for Perth and Haymarket Stations

Location Case and Relay Room Correlation

Power Loading Calculations

Haymarket Design Alterations

– Control Tables

– Location Cases

Perth Design Alterations

– Control Tables

– Location Cases

– Relay Room

The project was a success, with Perth commissioned on the 3rd October 2024 and Haymarket commissioned on the 10th October 2024.

If you would like to download our case study then click here.

Project Information

  • Project Title: Perth & Haymarket Station Off Indicators
  • Client: Network Rail
  • Date: October 2024
  • Category: Signalling Design
  • Status : Completed