A business case by Midlands Connect has been submitted to the Department for Transport which details plans to enhance the Shrewsbury – Black Country – Birmingham rail route.
The business study suggested improvements which would increase the line speed to 90 miles per hour.
Enthusiasts of the project have said that it will bring approximately £23m of economic benefits. The benefits of which will include journey time improvements, reduced road congestion improved air quality levels and additional environmental benefits. Indeed, the business case put forward by Midlands Connect demonstrates that for every £1 invested then £16 could be created for the local economy.
If the scheme was to be given the go-ahead by the Government, then the project could begin as soon as 2025. The results of the rail improvements would soon show & Midlands Connect believe that more people will travel by rail, generating additional ticket sales of £1m per annum.
Within this rail corridor it was highlighted that the track would need to have some minor realignments in 2 places to improve the trains route as well as some signalling improvements on the line.
This business case comes just after the government’s Union Connectivity Review. This review identified the significant importance of Shrewsbury as a centre for connecting both the mid and west Wales to the Midlands.
Midland Connect also identified that after investment real growth will be seen in the many years ahead as it forecasted a large growth in population along the rail lines. Most likely due to large numbers of new jobs within Telford & an additional 4000 jobs in the professional services sector. Not to mention that Wolverhampton is now home to the second Head Quarters of the government’s levelling up department.
The most recent business case put forward to the Government adds to previous case work released in 2021 in the Midlands Connect’s Rails to Recovery Report. In the 2021 report it was established that electrifying the route through Telford and the Black Country and extending London services to Shrewsbury on an hourly service that runs to the capital has the potential of creating up to £500m of benefits for both residents and businesses.
Residents in both Shropshire and Wolverhampton appear to support the scheme and backed the line for speed improvements and some even agreed that changes to the line would be a good example of levelling up.
NSA Research added their findings to the report and demonstrated that a further 337 jobs would be safeguarded and a further 81 skilled jobs would be created if the project went ahead.
Commenting on the submission of the business case, CEO of Midlands Connect Maria Machancoses said: “Today’s news is another step forward and a major milestone in our journey towards delivering this major project as part of our Midlands Engine Rail programme.
“In the medium term, we are championing the need for direct, hourly trains to London and electrification but we are also promoting the short-term win of a line speed improvement.
“I believe that this project will help level up the Black Country, support economic development in Shropshire and unlock the fantastic growth of Telford in the years ahead.”
Daniel Kawczynski, MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham, said: “Boosting line speed on this important route through Shrewsbury to 90-miles-per-hour will be a massive boost for local passengers and businesses, speeding up journeys and encouraging motorists to leave their cars at home.
“It’s fantastic that these plans are being brought forward and could be a great short-term win for this project. On a personal level, I’ve long campaigned for the electrification of this line, something that will secure truly green, sustainable connectivity for generations to come. I’m keen that government supports us in the delivery of these improvements as soon as possible.”