We asked our Engineering Director Michael Hickey about the rail industry and how he believed it could improve upon how it chooses suppliers🤔 and this is what he said:
“The supply chain needs looking into more. We at DigiSig Rail Group Ltd are a small company but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t capable! All too often we are told that we are too small when trying to get onto a potential client’s suppliers list.
The most frustrating part of this is that procurement teams often view all suppliers as the same. But as signalling is quite a niche area of the industry, what is considered as a small team (6 at present) is comparable with many signalling design teams working on a project, especially as signalling design is such a limited resource.
The other frustrating part is that the larger companies often won’t entertain giving supplier status to a small company, but on the other hand they are happy to cherry pick your resources whilst choosing a couple of key players in order to plug their own skills gaps.”
I am sure we cannot be the only company in the UK who has experienced these issues? Maybe you have too? Feel free to comment we’d love to hear your views 🤔