Story Contracting and Network Rail have successfully installed and completed the 5,000t new railway bridge at Ravenscraig on the West Coast Mainline. One of the largest lifts of a bridge in Europe. The project ran on schedule for 9 continuous days of round the clock working.
Network Rail and North Lanarkshire Council agreed on doing the £16.9m project as part of the ongoing regeneration of the old steelworks site. There will also be a new dual carriage way constructed under the railway which will have cycle paths and pedestrian access
Since May last year Story Contracting and Network Rail have been working tirelessly at constructing the massive precast concrete bridge which features 2500m3 of concrete and 620t of rebar; the 18 abutments weigh 1,097t and there is 2,555t of ballast included.
Both parties decided to use the Easter Bank Holiday to carry out the massive job of moving the bridge into place. Over 36,000 tons of material was excavated from the railway embankment, whilst also removing the tracks and overhead line equipment. The bridge which was built next to the railway line was then moved into its final position using remote-controlled self-propelled modular transport vehicles. Once in its position the overhead line equipment and tracks were reinstated.
North Lanarkshire Council deputy leader Paul Kelly said: “This marks a significant moment in our ambitious plans to redevelop the area. The new road will boost the economy, provide new well-paid jobs and allow so many other exciting developments to take place. I’d like to congratulate everyone involved.”
Network Rail senior programme manager Jeremy Spence said: “The successful delivery of this project took many months of meticulous planning and preparation, followed by a huge effort by those on-site working to construct the bridge.
“By working collaboratively with Story Contracting and North Lanarkshire Council, we been able to make sure we seamlessly delivered the work over the crucial last nine days.
“I would also like to thank the local community for the patience they have shown throughout the work.”
Story Contracting (Scotland) managing director John MacArthur said: “The successful delivery of Europe’s largest concrete structure lift at Ravenscraig is a significant milestone for Story Contracting and testament to the hard work and dedication of the team and our supply chain partners.
“This project showcases our commitment to excellence and our ability to collaborate as Scotland’s Railway to deliver high-quality solutions. I am extremely proud of everyone involved in bringing this ambitious project to life.”
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