Transport for London continues to push for zero -tolerance against all forms of abuse on its transport network. To get the message across to travellers TFL identified what actions people should take when witnessing crime or abuse whilst using the network and how they can intervene. TFL have created a number of graphic illustrations which convey 3 main forms of action:
- Distract (mouth) – ignore the offender and ask the targeted person simple calm questions.
- Document and report (eyes) any specific details of what has been seen at the incident.
- Support (tears) the targeted person after the event and help them with their emotions.
The campaign was designed by London-based illustrator Raj Dhunna and created by Emma Jackson and Aly Golani.
Image credits Raj Dhunna, Emma Jackson and Aly Golani
#Transport for London #zero tolerance #crime #hate #marketing #networkrail