A Great Win Yesterday for the Team at Digisig Rail! 🎉
It was a memorable & proud day yesterday for the team at Digisig Rail as they attended the Awards event run by Educationwise for Rail Engineering Business & Digital Apprenticeships only to find out that Miles Wootton had won “Most Potential Apprentice of the Year!” Paul Darlington of the IRSE also gave a great talk alongside his fellow members Ian Bridges and Polly White. As usual fabulous support of the awards was provided by the team at PM Training and Assessing Ltd
Now here comes the fun bit… as part of a team building exercise each team had to build the largest structure using the spaghetti, string tape and 4 marshmallows provided. One of the marshmallows was to be balanced on top of the finished structure to demonstrate its strength. The tallest tower that could support the marshmallow was the winner.