For the control period 7 (CP7) Network Rail still has nearly £7bn worth of contracts yet to be awarded, however, most contractors are hopeful of winning new work. Here’s a summary of the regions and contract status.
For the Southern Integrated Delivery (SID) alliance which lasts up to 2034 and which could be worth up to £9bn the currently appointed contractors are:
Volker Rail – Buildings & Civils & Track
Atkins – Signalling
Octavius Infrastructure – Electrification in plant
The Southern Region is also looking to procure another framework for minor works buildings & civils which is valued up to £1.7bn and will run right through CP7 and CP8, however the deadline has now passed for requests to participate and ITT’s are now expected this summer.
In the Wales & Western Regions contractors have already been appointed to Network Rail’s construction framework for CP7 which is valued at up to £2bn.
The currently appointed contractors are:
AmcoGiffen – electrification & plant in Wales & Western & structures for Wales & the Borders.
Morgan Sindall – structures in Western
Octavius Infrastructure – renewal of buildings, depots.
Bam Nuttall – geotechnical & off-track drainage works Wales & Borders.
Taylor Woodrow (Vinci) geotechnical & off-track drainage works Western.
It is also known that Wales & Western have not finished their CP7 procurement process yet and that they maybe looking to hire a development partner in a contract which could be worth up to £25m if extended to 7 years.
Frameworks in other Network Rail regions are at various stages of procurement for instance:
North West & Central has split its capital delivery works into various categories A-D.
A = £490m framework for large works. This category is not yet live in procurement and has only had a pin issued. Contract expected to be awarded in early 2024.
B = £695m framework for medium projects. This category is currently live in procurement.
C = £385m for small to mid-sized projects. This category is currently live in procurement.
D = £229m framework for minor and reactive works. This category is currently live in procurement.
A false start was had by Eastern region for CP7 after having already started the process of establishing a £4bn renewals and minor enhancements framework last April the region ended up having to cancel it. However, in the last few weeks Eastern has launched its tender processes for its “Eastern Routes Partnership Framework” which is valued at up to £3.5bn. Deadlines for expressions of interest is the 2nd June.
So, all in all it is estimated that £6.97bn of contracts are still outstanding/are yet to be awarded in the 4 regions across England & Wales.
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